An Introduction to Organic Acid Testing

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Organic acid testing is an unparalleled and invaluable tool in creating an individualized supplementation program by targeting the functioning of exact metabolic processes in the body. It tests for fatty acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, energy production, B-Complex vitamins, neurotransmitters, antioxidants, detoxification, bacteria, clostridial species, and yeast/fungi through measuring specific urinary metabolites.

Dr. Kalish will break down the complexity of organic acid testing and talk about how he uses this test in his practice. This seminar serves as an introduction to the full range of complexity that the 12 week Kalish Method Advanced class provides. You will not only learn the fundamentals of what organic acid testing entails, but also acquire the initial skill-set you will need in order to apply this information towards treating your patients effectively.

Lecture Presenter

An Introduction to Organic Acid Testing

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