Understand the Yin and Yang of Internal and External Marketing

Do practitioners build full practices by chance? Or are there specific repeatable things which
you could be doing? Most practitioners do not strongly identify as business owners, and
neglect the business side of their profession, to the detriment of themselves, their patients and
their staff. Practitioners of all kinds need emotional and spiritual maturity, clinical expertise,
AND business skills. Come to this innovative and inspiring seminar to gain a solid education in
building a practice by referral and effective marketing.

Success in your practice is the result of building healthy, positive, long-term relationships with
people. With the right spirit, approach and language, you can attract many new patients by
investing time in high-return activities that are fun to do. You will emerge from this seminar
with the confidence, skills and actionable next steps needed to start or grow a thriving private

By completing this program, the participant will be able to:
1. How to build a practice by referral
2. Understand the Yin and Yang of Internal and External Marketing
3. Learn what as a business owner you should be focusing your time on
4. Learn the top five ways to attract new patients
5. Why the internet has to be part of your marketing strategy

IFS Lecture from: May 30, 2017

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