Neuroanatomical Significance of Acupuncture Points & De Qi Sensation

Poney’s interest in the neuroanatomy of acupuncture points grew out from his fascination with the classical teachings from the Spiritual Pivot.

In this webinar you will learn the classical description of JingMai and see those concepts unfold through examples from points like ST-36 and periocular points on the face. You will also learn about the MRI-based scalp acupuncture research that he recently completed. By the end of this webinar, Poney hopes that you will come away with the idea that: As water is to fish, so is neuroanatomy to acupuncturists.

Lecture Presenter

Neuroanatomical Significance of Acupuncture Points & De Qi Sensation

Click here for CEU/PDA courses by this presenter.

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