Clinical Pearls for Optimizing Fertility During Isolation with Chinese Herbs and Western Botanicals

Talk by: Kirsten Karchmer, Benjamin Zappin & Ingrid Bauer – Increased time together is enabling couples with an opportunity to focus on their goal of conception and social distancing is creating barriers to families participating in IVF and regular acupuncture.

It’s an excellent time for practitioners pivoting to telehealth to brush up on their herbal skills in order to best support clients in achieving desired clinical outcomes.

In this hour long webinar participants will revisit the foundation of using Chinese formulas for optimizing fertility while looking at some traditional and evidence based pearls from both Chinese and Western herbal medicine.

The class will review methods for compounding and dosing strategies with liquid herbal extracts.

Lecture Presenter

Clinical Pearls for Optimizing Fertility During Isolation with Chinese Herbs and Western Botanicals

Click here for CEU/PDA courses by this presenter.

Lecture Information