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The Healthy Seminars Community Library is where we archive past free live webinars from our Community Unity Immunity Lecture Series as well as lectures from our retired Medigogy site.
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Featured Talks
Chinese Medicine Response To Covid-19: A Summary of Treatment Approaches Used In China
Heiner Fruehauf
Chinese Medicine Response To Covid-19: A Summary of Treatment Approaches Used In China by Heiner Fruehauf.
Understanding Endometriosis from an “East meets West approach”
Mike Berkley
This presentation by Mike Berkley L.Ac, FABORM, will discuss theories of endometriosis from a Western and Eastern Medicine perspective, including diagnosis and treatment. Participants will learn how to treat the patient with acupuncture and herbs to help facilitate conception.
Master Tung’s Acupuncture: Treating loss of smell for post-COVID-19 patients
Shaun Goodman
This lecture will focus on treating post-COVID-19 patients with loss of smell using Master Tung’s acupuncture. To take this webinar you don’t need to have a background in Master Tung’s Acupuncture.
Hamid D. Montakab
Hamid D. Montakab graduated from the Medical School of Paris. He did his residency in Surgery and completed a 3-year education in Acupuncture and further clinical training in China, followed by 2 years in exploring the local healing in the Philippines and India. He practised for 5 years in America, obtaining the NCCA certification, and a degree in Chinese Herbalism. He founded the Academy of Chinese Healing Arts in Switzerland in 1986.
Lorie Dechar
Lorie Eve Dechar’s intuitive work as an alchemical healer, mentor and teacher is supported by a strong foundation of theoretical understanding and clinical experience, including twenty-six years of Chinese medical practice, twelve years as a senior faculty member at the Tri-State College of Acupuncture in New York City as well as years of teaching at institutes and retreat centers throughout the United States, Canada and the U.K.
Sharon Weizenbaum
Sharon Weizenbaum graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture in 1983 and has been practicing Chinese medicine for over 30 years. Her first gynecology teacher was Dr. Zhu Shu-rong from Shang Hai. In 1990 she traveled to Hang Zhou where she studied herbal gynecology with Dr. Qiu Xiao-mei as well as Chinese language.